Thursday, October 15, 2009

Running Order: Christmas-God Vs Gifts

  • Montage of different shops showing Christmas trees, presents and card etc with Coca Cola advert music playing in the background throughout all of it. (20 Seconds)
  • Opening title with music in the background. (20 seconds)
  • Vox Pops of people of different ages with their opinion of Christmas. (1 minute)
  • Someone putting up decorations and the voice over of the interview. Then cut to her interview about how she celebrates Christmas but doesn't believe in God. (40 seconds)
  • Interview with Rahima and Ema about how they celebrate Christmas(Muslims). (40 seconds)
  • Interview with Shelter (30 seconds)
  • Interview with elderly people about Christmas has changed over the years. (30 Seconds)
  • Interview with Mr. Swindell: He celebrates Christmas because of God. (40 Seconds)
  • Interview with Manager of B&M and Card Factory about how Christmas effects their sales. (40 Seconds)
  • How homeless or poor people cope with Christmas. (30 Seconds)
  • Interview with Shelter representative. (40 Seconds)
  • Clips of White Christmas, The Snowman, Its a Wonderful Life, Holiday Inn. (Cut aways in interviews)
  • Queens speech- what significance does it connote? (30 Seconds)
  • Recycling Presents. (20 seconds)
  • Film of a school nativity play with voice over. (1 minute)
  • People who work over Christmas; Service Stations, Police, Fire Brigades, Hospitals, Chefs etc. Do they mind? (30 Seconds)
  • Filming of a traditional family at Christmas. (1 minute)
  • Interview with the Pope, Cardinal, Chief Rabbi. (40 Seconds)
  • Traditional Christmas Dinner. (20 Seconds)
  • TV Schedule-40's Top of the Pops. (40 Seconds)
  • How people abroad celebrate Christmas. (40 Seconds)
  • Children's and Parents opinion on Christmas. (50 Seconds)
  • Why do people get stressed by Christmas? (1 Minute)
  • How shop sales sore over Christmas. (30 Seconds)
  • How people living on their own deal with Christmas. (40 Seconds)
  • The Show Box Appeal. (50 Seconds)
  • The History of Christmas. (1 minute)
  • Christmas Catalogues that help people with money troubles over Christmas e.g Park. (40 Seconds)
  • Last minute shopper Vs careful planner. (1 Minute)

  • Documentary-Christmas:God Vs Gift
  • BBC 1
  • Scheduling - Thursday 24th December 8.00pm-8.30pm
  • Duration- 30 Minutes

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