Radio Advert
Print Advert

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
We created our documentary to look look professional and to follow the forms and conventions of a real documentary so we did not challenge any of them.
Our documentary is an Expository documentary as we have used a "Voice of God" narration which talks directly at the viewers.

Our product
Our product
Body Shock: The Boy Who Wanted to be a Girl
Framing is an essential part of interviewing someone to make it look like a professionals work because without good framing the interviews wouldn't look very professional.
By looking at the first picture you can see that we have not gone against the forms and conventions of a documentary as the framing is very similar to the framing in the second picture. The interviewee is sitting down and looking to the the left.

Horizon: The Secret Life of Dogs
Having graphics in a documentary is essential as the audience knows for example who is talking or where they are filming. This is essential as then you know their role in the documentary and it helps you piece the documentary together.
In the image above we have shown the name of the person we are interviewing and their relevance to the documentary. This has also been shown "Horizon : The Secret Life of Dogs". We chose white writing with a red outline as they are both Christmas colours and the red outline makes it easy to read.
In the image above we have shown the name of the person we are interviewing and their relevance to the documentary. This has also been shown "Horizon : The Secret Life of Dogs". We chose white writing with a red outline as they are both Christmas colours and the red outline makes it easy to read.
Mise -En-Scene

Our product

Body Shock: The Boy Who Wanted to be a Girl
Mise- En-Scene is extremely important as everything in front the camera shows the audience what is going on. Getting the mise en scene right is extrememly important as it links what the documentary is about together. My production is in a brightly lit room with Christmas decorations in the background which anchors the topic of Christmas.
The other picture is from a Channel 4 documentary about a young boy wanting a sex change. The Mise-En-Scene of this shot is really good it shows loads of girly stuff in the background and it reinforces what the documentary is about.
The other picture is from a Channel 4 documentary about a young boy wanting a sex change. The Mise-En-Scene of this shot is really good it shows loads of girly stuff in the background and it reinforces what the documentary is about.
Narrative structure
Our documentary has a linear structure as it is all about Christmas and nothing else. There are two aspects of Christmas in our documentary but it never goes off topic.
Cut aways
Our Product
Cut Aways are important as they break up an interview and keep the viewers interested. The cut aways are normally to do with what is being talked about. The cutaway from our product is at the start of the documentary when our voice over first starts.
The 2nd Cutaway is from Generation XXL- it links in with the topic of the show as it is about obese children and the cutaway shows someone being weighed.
Cut aways are also used to make the documentary flow more smoothly.
Archive Material
Archive material are usually used as cutaways. It is an effective way to illustrate to the audience what is being talked about, whether it be in an interview or just "The Voice of God" talking about something.
We used quite a lot of archive footage in our documentary for example when one of the interviewees is saying that she was brought up in the "Hungry Thirties", we got some black and white footage of that time period and used that as cut aways while she was talking.
We also used footage from the film "White Christmas" and "The Snowman Irn Bru" advert.
Use of Music
Our choice of music in the documentary fits in with the theme of the documentary. All of the music something to do with Christmas in them.
How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary tasks?
Our Print Ad is landscape as it can be used more ways ie Billboards and Newspapers as their adverts are normally landscape.
Our radio advert and our documentary are both well linked as they both have the same voice over and we use some of the same phrases in the radio advert that are also in the documentary so you can make the link between the two of them when you hear and watch them.
Our radio advert is a small insight into what you will see in the documentary. We have used quite a lot of music in the radio ad which suggest what is in the documentary.
Both ancillary tasks are linked as they both have the same voice over, same theme, and they both have the same time, channel and date that it will be on on them.
Our print advert is bright and colourful. The name of the documentary is bold with the slogan underneath it which is smaller but still very legible.
The background is loads of individual pictures of a holly leaf which I got from a roll of wrapping paper and then I duplicated them. The questions on the Christmas tree are also in the Radio Advert and the Documentary so this also links everything together. The first thing you see when you look at this advert is the Christmas Tree, then you see the questions on the tree.
Our Print Advert is mainly made for a newspaper due to the fact that it is landscape, but it could easily be used on a bill board.
Our newspaper would be advertised in specific newspapers for example The Guardian, The Times and The Independent.
As our documentary is on the BBC we can advertise on their website, radio stations and TV channels.
It is extremely important to advertise our documentary as if we don't our viewer numbers would be minimal.
These are the newspapers we would advertise the documentary in:
Ancillary tasks are vital as without these, the documentary wouldn't be advertised as the radio advert and the print advert are the main if not the only sources or advertisement.
Without creating these two adverts, the documentary wouldn't be very successful.
What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

For our audience feedback, we asked people for their views on our documentary.

For our audience feedback, we asked people for their views on our documentary.
To collect out audience audience feedback, we first gathered together a group of people and played both the documentary and the radio advert. We had come up with questions we wanted to ask them so when the viewing was over, we asked the whole group the questions and they gave us their feedback.
I also conducted my own audience feedback at home. I asked people to watch the documentary and listen to the radio advert and I asked them one question each. Their answers to their questions are underneath.
1. Can you tell that the adverts are for the documentary?
“Yes I thought the way that they used a quote from the documentary in each of the adverts and used the same music in the radio and the documentary made them all link. I thought it was really good.” –Jess Balnaves – 15
2. Do you think the voice over used is appropriate?
“I think that the voice over is really clear and easy to understand.
She doesn’t rush through it so you can hear her very well. She actually almost has a Christmassy sound to her voice which makes even more appropriate” – Robyn Simmons- 21
3. Do you think the scheduling for the documentary is the right time and channel?
“Ye I do as BBC1 normally has the subjects that are of interest to a lot of people and Christmas is a time loved by the majority of people so this documentary fits in perfectly” – Philip Jarvis- 24
4. Do you think the quality of the footage was good enough including the cut aways?
2. Do you think the voice over used is appropriate?
“I think that the voice over is really clear and easy to understand.
She doesn’t rush through it so you can hear her very well. She actually almost has a Christmassy sound to her voice which makes even more appropriate” – Robyn Simmons- 21
3. Do you think the scheduling for the documentary is the right time and channel?
“Ye I do as BBC1 normally has the subjects that are of interest to a lot of people and Christmas is a time loved by the majority of people so this documentary fits in perfectly” – Philip Jarvis- 24
4. Do you think the quality of the footage was good enough including the cut aways?
"The footage of The Snowman was a bit blurry and the interviews of the two elderly ladies are a bit dark but other than that I think it is good.” – Bethany Flethcher- 15
5. How do you think this compares to a professional documentary?
“I think that it is good for what it is. The Snowman is a bit blurry and in the interview with the manager of B&M he makes a mistake which I think you should have re-recorded but other than that I think it is a good piece of film.” Lauren Pattison- 18
6.Would you want to watch the whole of this documentary?
6.Would you want to watch the whole of this documentary?
"I think it would be interesting to see and hear and people’s views on the way that Christmas used to be and the way that it is now, but also the different ways that people celebrate, whether because of their religious beliefs or just the way that they feel about the whole festive season.”- Kate Hayden-17
From my audience feedback, I have concluded that although everyone that I asked thought the documentary was good,they thought that there could be some improvements for example, "The Snowman Irn Bru" advert could have been clearer as it is slightly pixelated, also one of the graphics is spelt wrong. The word mis- spelt as we spelt it "Athesist" and it is really spelt "Atheist".
How did you use technology: construction, Research, planning, evaluation?
The technology we used to create this documentary played a massive part in the production of it. I used various forms of technology ranging from filming cameras and microphones, to Adobe Audition and Adobe Photo shop. I also used Adobe Audition and Windows Movie Maker.
The Internet played a big part in it as well for the research aspect and the school's Ice Radio Suite was used to record the voice over and the radio advert.
We used a still camera to capture stills for evidence or our filming and our editing. We used a video camera to film our documentary and without it our documentary wouldn't ever have happened.
We used a micro phone for the majority of the interviews as it made them louder and clearer. Without them the interviews would sound muffled and distant.
We also couldn't have done it without the Internet as this is where we did all our secondary research.
We used a Dictaphone to record audience feedback and uploaded it onto the computer.
Movie Maker was used to turn our voice over clip into a short movie as I couldn't upload audio.
Movie Maker was used to turn our voice over clip into a short movie as I couldn't upload audio.
The Ice Radio Suite was used to record both out voice over and our Radio Advert. This came in useful as when we recorded it first time using a Dictaphone, you couldn't hear it very well and sounded very robot like.
You are getting there with this, Becky, but need to add doc theory, also you need to make comparisons with genuine documentaries in question 1. You also need to make sure your points are clear and well explained.
ReplyDeleteThis is much improved.
ReplyDeletePlease check for typos.
In your answer to question 1 please refer to/ use documentary theories.
In the section about the ancillary tasks, please expand, perhaps addressing why they are necessary?
Can you add sound or video clips to your audience feedback section?
You obviously still need to complete your answer to the fourth question.